
How can I learn to play music in Lincoln?

Nestled in the heart of Lincolnshire, the historic city of Lincoln is not only known for its stunning cathedral and vibrant culture but also for its growing and thriving music scene. Whether you’re a complete beginner, an aspiring pop star, or simply looking to reignite a passion for playing, Lincoln offers many opportunities to learn and grow as a musician. 

From local music schools and private tutors to community groups and online resources, this blog will guide you through the best ways to embark on your musical journey in Lincoln.


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Identify what your Music Niche is

Female ACC student singing on stage

One important consideration when learning an instrument is what kind of music you are looking to play. Different styles of music can make a massive difference on techniques needed to perform. In fact, some styles of music have whole syllabuses and assessment boards dedicated to them. 

If you’re looking to make classical music then working with a teacher that has an Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) qualification would be the way to go. However, if you are looking at making contemporary music like rock and jazz, then working with teachers who have London College of Music (LCM) or Rockschool (RSL) qualifications would be the best choice. 

Choose your teacher carefully, look for online reviews and make sure to research what their niche is before booking. All professional teachers should have qualifications in their instrument. Formal graded exams go up to Grade 8 and should be standard for all music teachers, along with a music theory qualification. Also, consider asking for a trial with a music teacher when learning how to play to make sure they fit with your personality and style.


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Purchase your instrument and music equipment

Young female purchasing her first guitar

Sadly Lincoln has lost its last dedicated music shop with the closure of Music Room. However, if you’re just looking for an instrument to start on then the second-hand market is a great place to start. Car boots, charity shops or eBay. 

Several great online retailers specialise in low-cost high-quality entry-level products. Often they are bundled into starter packs that include all the basics needed. 

Look to your favourite artists for inspiration. If you are trying to replicate your favourite artist’s music, it may be a good bet to purchase their specific brand of equipment. Often artists have a signature line. The Sheeran line by Lowden guitars for example.


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Practise at home

Female playing drums at home

It’s important to remember that there is a big difference between playing and practising. Playing should be fun and the end product of all your hard work. Practising is a different beast altogether. It needs to be focused on an area you need to improve. It’s often best to do this in small blocks. There is a myth of the 12-hour practice session, which is just that, keeping the level of intensity needed is not possible over such a long time. Even the best musicians in the world only practise five hours a day, and never all at once. 

Online resources are a great way to learn but make sure to do your homework, anyone can post on the internet and some teachers are better than others. Make sure to look at the number of subscribers or followers to gauge how well they know their stuff. 


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Enrol on a college course

Music tech student playing the keyboard

One key aspect of learning an instrument is learning how to work with other musicians. One way to do this is to enrol on a college course that specialises in music performance, which is something Access Creative College in Lincoln offers. This will allow you to get feedback from industry practitioners and peers, as well as build a network of like-minded musicians you can work with. 


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Find a local venue to perform in

Band performing live on stage

The best place to start for any aspiring musician would be a local jam session at one of Lincoln’s music venues. This is a non-formal music performance for people of all levels. Audiences tend to be good listeners as they are typically made up of other people looking to perform. Even though they are informal, the skills you’ll learn are very real. Learning how to prep for a performance, learning stagecraft skills and how to get over stage fright! 

There are a number of jam sessions and open mic nights operating throughout the city. The Southside Centre and Jolly Brewer being two of the most prominent. 


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Want to study music performance in Lincoln?

Music performance student playing guitar and singing on stage

Music Performance programmes teach you how to combine music theory and practice to become a professional musician or singer. Access Creative has 30 years of experience in teaching music performance-related skills. Book now for an open day! Alternatively, if you already know which course you want to study, apply online.